Hello! I'm Aruna.

I'm currently in University where my major is Computer Science and Engineering. I'm a total computer geek and I'm obsessed with all things tech.

I'm highly proficient in Web Development, Responsive Web Design and UI/UX. I have a keen eye for design and relentlessly pursue creative ventures. I build dynamic websites for various purposes.

Additionally, I am also a versatile programmer. Some of the tools and technologies I constantly work with are:

  • C/C++

  • Android Development & JAVA

  • JavaScript

  • Python


  • Algorithm Designing & Data Structures

I offer versatility across a diverse skill set to any project I work on. I embrace opportunities to expand my horizons and venture beyond my comfort zone. Each project I take up on is determined not only by what I can contribute, but largely on what I can take away from the experience.

Currently, I am seeking internships to gain real-world exposure. I'm also open to working on projects.

Please contact me through LinkedIn if you would like to get in touch.